The Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (JCLC) is a multi-disciplinary journal publication published bi-annually to provide a platform for excellent academicians or postgraduate students to publish their research findings. Contributions of articles based on original research are invited from scholars working in the field of Chinese literature and culture.


Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Chinese Literature And Culture 马大华人文学与文化学刊


Research Articles 研究论文

1.  Reference and Method: Post Cultural Revolution Writing and Research / 文献与方法:论文革写作及其研究

CHOONG Yee Voon(钟怡雯)

2. Discussion of Two Translated Versions of The Chinese Story “BaiLi Xi Meets His Wife” in Baba Malay Novel / 两种峇峇马来文“百里奚认妻”故事译本的版本探讨

LAI Chin Ting(赖静婷)

3. The Religion-State Relations and Religious Governance of Malaysia: The Secularization and Religious Market Theories Perspectives / 马来西亚政教关系与宗教治理:世俗化与宗教市场理论为视角

LAM Chui Peng 蓝姵錂 

4. Empathy: The Quotations and Allusions of Chinese Classical Poetry in The Buddhist Prose of Guo Lianhua and Ven Jicheng / 孤独情怀:郭莲花与继程法师佛教散文之古典诗词引用

LEW Ya Ling(刘雅琳)

5. The Intertextuality and The Combination of Fictionality and Reality in Proses and Novels of New Immigrants in Geling Yan's Works / 严歌苓新移民散文和小说的互文互补与虚实结合

OOI Tze Zian, FAN Pik Shy(黄子健、潘碧丝)

6. Analysis and Evaluation : A journey in search of Zhang Shunhui’s methods of academic pursuit and academic vision through “Separate Records of Qing Literary Anthologies”(Qingren Wenji Bielu)/ 从张舜徽《清人文集别录》中探寻治学之道及其学术理想

TEY Shi Bin(郑诗傧)

7. The Promotion and Effectiveness of “Whole Book Reading” in Chinese Primary Schools in Malaysia / “整本书阅读”在马来西亚华文小学的推广与成效

刘培琪、何启才(LAW Puay Khee, HO Kee Chye

* Notes for Contributors / 稿约

Published: 2022-06-30

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