About the Journal
The Journal of Project Management Practice (JPMP) (E-ISSN : 2805-4768) seeks to advance the theory, research and practice of all aspects of project management. The JPMP publishes peer reviewed scholarly articles, qualitative, quantitative or other methods research papers as well as theoretical and exploratory papers. In order to link theory with practice it also publishes original and innovative practice case studies which are reviewed for relevance to readers. By taking a broader organisational perspective and by covering a wider range of industries and professions, JPMP will appeal to a wider readership which includes not only those with an interest in mainstream project management topics but also those who engaged in an unlimited variety of projects in multidisciplinary approaches across all sectors such as building and construction, engineering, oil and gas, business and finance, information technology, healthcare, aviation, maritime and defence.
Frequency: Twice a year
Language: English
Indexing: MyJurnal
E-ISSN: 2805-4768
Inquiries: jpmp@um.edu.my
The scope and areas of specialisation for the journal are as follows:
Project Management Theory and Practices, Strategic Project Management, Project Governance, Programme Management, Portfolio Management, Human Resources Management, Organisational Theory & Behaviour, Quality Management, Value Management/ Value Engineering, Risk Management, Knowledge Management, Lean Management, Financial & Cost Management, ICT Management, Performance Management.
Additionally, it will also cover the scopes that are related to the management of the following areas; Health & Safety; Legal Issues, Economics, Professional Practice, Procurement, Contract and Commercial Management.
JPMP accepts manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration for publication by other print or electronic media. The authors agree to transfer the copyright to JPMP editorial office. However, it can be reprinted with a proper acknowledgement that it was published in JPMP.
The Journal of Project Management Practice (JPMP) is dedicated in ensuring best practices on ethical matters. The prevention of publication malpractice is one of the important responsibilities of the editorial team. Any kind of unethical behaviour is not acceptable, and the Editorial Board of this journal does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. Authors submitting articles to the JPMP affirm that manuscript contents are original and have not been published or considered for publication somewhere else.