Ikhtilaf Fiqhi di Kalangan Aliran Syafi'iyyah dan Salafiyyah di Malaysia: Analisis Retrospektif Terhadap Faktor Pencetus
The dispute between two main Islamic groups in Malaysia, namely the Syafi'iyyah and the Salafiyyah, formerly known as the Kaum Muda and Kaum Tua, has been a longstanding issue as a result of the advent of Islamic reform in Malaysia since a hundred years ago. This articles analyses some important aspects of the conflict and focuses mainly on three key factors that engender the debate in matters of fiqh, i.e. the issues of ijtihad and taqlid; holding to a specific madhhab; and the concept of bid'ah. Through the analysis, the article shows that the polemic between this groups seems to be as if an unresolved issue of the ummah, which needs to be dealt with in some other ways.